Esta página tem por objectivo permitir aos investigadores do CH-ULisboa actualizarem os seus dados pessoais, junto do Secretariado do CH-ULisboa, e os seus currículos e fotografias a disponibilizar online na página dos investigadores, de acordo com o Regulamento Geral de Protecção de Dados. Aconselhamos os investigadores a disponibilizarem o endereço para o currículo DeGóis ou Lattes.
This webpage allows CH-ULisboa researchers to update their personal data with the CH-ULisboa executive office and to make available their online CV and profile photo in the researchers' webpage, in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation. We advise the researchers to make available the link to the curriculum in DeGóis or Lattes' platform.
This webpage allows CH-ULisboa researchers to update their personal data with the CH-ULisboa executive office and to make available their online CV and profile photo in the researchers' webpage, in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation. We advise the researchers to make available the link to the curriculum in DeGóis or Lattes' platform.