Em curso | Ongoing
Discursos e práticas sobre o bem comum nas cidades ultramarinas portuguesas. O caso de Macau nos séculos XVI e XVII
The discourse and practice of the common good in overseas Portuguese cities. The case of Macao in 16th and 17th centuries
The discourse and practice of the common good in overseas Portuguese cities. The case of Macao in 16th and 17th centuries
iForal | Forais medievais portugueses: uma perspectiva histórica e linguística na era digital
Portuguese municipal charters in the Middle Ages: an historical and linguistic approach in the digital era
Portuguese municipal charters in the Middle Ages: an historical and linguistic approach in the digital era
Marfins Africanos no Mundo Atlântico: uma reavaliação dos marfins luso-africanos
African Ivories in the Atlantic World: a reassessment of Luso-african ivories
African Ivories in the Atlantic World: a reassessment of Luso-african ivories
ŒCONOMIA STUDII. Financiamento, gestão e recursos da universidade em Portugal: uma análise comparativa (séculos XIII-XVI)
ŒCONOMIA STUDII. Funding, management and resources of the Portuguese university: a comparative analysis (13th-16th centuries)
ŒCONOMIA STUDII. Funding, management and resources of the Portuguese university: a comparative analysis (13th-16th centuries)
Percepção de mudanças climáticas e ambientais em Portugal na Idade Média (séculos XIII a XV)
Climate and Environmental Changes Perception in Portugal in the Late Middle Ages (13th-15th centuries)
Climate and Environmental Changes Perception in Portugal in the Late Middle Ages (13th-15th centuries)
O Sagrado e o Profano no Antigo Egipto: O Templo de Khonsu, em Karnak, e as suas ligações teológicas e culturais com o Templo de Opet no período greco-romano – O Templo de Esna: inscrições ptolemaicas e teologias
The Sacred and the Profane in Ancient Egypt: The Khonsu Temple in Karnak and Its Theological and Cultic Connections with the Opet Temple in the Greco-Roman Period – The Temple of Esna: Ptolemaic Inscriptions and Theologies
The Sacred and the Profane in Ancient Egypt: The Khonsu Temple in Karnak and Its Theological and Cultic Connections with the Opet Temple in the Greco-Roman Period – The Temple of Esna: Ptolemaic Inscriptions and Theologies
Concluídos | Concluded
Dicionário Histórico dos Sefarditas Portugueses: corpo prosopográfico de homens de cultura e de ciência
Historical Dictionary on Portuguese Sephardim: A prosopography of men of culture and science
Historical Dictionary on Portuguese Sephardim: A prosopography of men of culture and science
Dimensão Europeia (A) de um grupo de Poder: o clero na construção política das Monarquias Peninsulares (séculos XIII-XV)
The European Dimension of a Group of Power: Ecclesiastics and the political State Building of the Iberian Monarchies (13th-15th centuries)
The European Dimension of a Group of Power: Ecclesiastics and the political State Building of the Iberian Monarchies (13th-15th centuries)
Italianos estantes em Portugal (séculos XIV-XVIII)
The Italian Presence in Portugal (14th-18th centuries)
The Italian Presence in Portugal (14th-18th centuries)
Matérias da imagem (As): os pigmentos na tratadística portuguesa entre a Idade Média e 1850
The materials of the image: pigments on Portugese treatises from the Middle Ages to 1850
The materials of the image: pigments on Portugese treatises from the Middle Ages to 1850
Recursos para a História Marítima de Portugal (1200-1700)
Resources for Portuguese Maritime History (1200-1700)
Resources for Portuguese Maritime History (1200-1700)
SOLIS - Igreja de Santa Engrácia/Panteão Nacional: campanhas de obras, exploração de pedreiras e trabalhos de restauro
SOLIS - Church of Santa Engrácia/National Pantheon: building campaign, quarries exploited and restoration works
SOLIS - Church of Santa Engrácia/National Pantheon: building campaign, quarries exploited and restoration works
Tecido social e redes de poder: os Portugueses e o Magrebe dos séculos XV a XIX (estudo prosopográfico)
Social fabric and power networks: a prosopographic study on the Portuguese Maghreb (15th-19th centuries)
Social fabric and power networks: a prosopographic study on the Portuguese Maghreb (15th-19th centuries)