Conferência Tutankhamon em Portugal. Relatos na imprensa portuguesa (1922-1939): arqueologia, egiptomania e egiptologia no início do século XX José das Candeias Sales Universidade Aberta; Centro de História da Universidade de Lisboa; Centro de Estudos Globais da Universidade Aberta Susana Mota Centro de Estudos Globais da Universidade Aberta 26 de Maio, 2022 | 18h00 - 20h00 FLUL | Sala B112.C Descarregar cartaz Apresentação Com base no projecto de investigação «Tutankhamon em Portugal. Relatos na imprensa portuguesa (1922-1939)», dedicado à identificação, recolha e análise das notícias publicadas nos periódicos portugueses sobre a descoberta e escavação do túmulo do faraó Tutankhamon, esta conferência pretende, a partir do enfoque remetido para subtítulo (Arqueologia, Egiptomania e Egiptologia), apresentar as suas principais linhas de força e conclusões. |
Seminários História do Clima | As Dunas e as Crises Climáticas | 4 de Maio | 17h00 | Online26/4/2022
Por ocasião do 90.º aniversário de José Tengarrinha, celebra-se, no Arquivo Nacional Torre do Tombo, uma sessão de homenagem com a presença de Martins Guerreiro, Margarida Tengarrinha, Sérgio Campos Matos, Maria João Duarte, Rui Tavares, António Carvalho. A moderação estará a cargo de Isabel Mendes Lopes. Dia 4 de Maio de 2022, das 18h00 às 20h03.
Estará também patente uma exposição com o processo da PIDE/DGS relativo a José Tengarrinha.
CALL FOR PAPERS International Colloquium
TUTANKHAMUN AND CARTER: ASSESSING THE IMPACT OF A MAJOR ARCHAEOLOGICAL FIND The Colloquium aims at gathering scholars interested in the study of Egyptian collections and their recent history, with a particular focus on the tomb of Tutankhamun, Howard Carter’s career, and his enrolment with art collectors. Thematic areas: We welcome proposals in the following thematic areas:
This meeting is organized by the Centre for History of the University of Lisbon and the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, on the occasion of the 1st Centenary of the opening of Tutankhamun’s burial chamber. Organising Committee: João Carvalho Dias (Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian) Jorge Rodrigues (Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian) Nuno Simões Rodrigues (Centro de História – Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Lisboa) Fátima Rosa (Centro de História – Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Lisboa) Rogério Sousa (Centro de História – Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Lisboa) Submission until 30th September 2022: We accept proposals for oral communications (maximum 20 minutes). Proposals must be sent to [email protected] , with the following information:
Only papers in English will be accepted. Webpage: More information on the Colloquium's website:
ABSTRACT In 1775, the Portuguese Jewish community of Curaçao, then numbering around 1100, was rocked by a bitter dispute involving allegations of sexual misconduct or, as the sources put it, “unpermitted familiarity”. The case threatened the social cohesion of the community and reminds us that the boundaries between the public and the private, especially in closely knit communities, could be porous indeed. The relationship between the adulterous lovers was conducted in plain sight of much of the city of Willemstad. Witnesses to their affair included a broad swathe of colonial society: housewives, merchants, doctors, colonial officials, enslaved and free people of color. They revealed their personal knowledge of the relationship and repeated hearsay, most of which was garnered on the streets of Willemstad after the affair became a matter of not only public interest, but intense and long-running legal wrangling that spanned continents.
ABSTRACT This talk will focus on the interactions and connections between the two main “minority” groups on the Dutch Antillean Island of Curacao – Afro-Curacaoans and (Sephardic) Jews. These connections can be seen in the political, business, social, and charitable spheres, where Sephardic Jews played a mediating role between the Afro-Curacaoan majority and the tiny white Protestant, largely Dutch, elite. Beyond mediation, however, this talk will describe and analyze the horizontal relationships between Afro-Curacaoans and Jews themselves, with a focus on the realm of politics and governance. It will also provide background and context on the history of Jewish Afro-Curacaoan relationships on the island.
Candidaturas abertasPrograma Interuniversitário de Doutoramento em História: mudança e continuidade num mundo global (PIUDHist) 2023-2024
Bolsa de Doutoramento Pedro Almeida Ferreira - Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Lisboa Chamadas / CallsCiclo de Seminários
2023-2024 Caminhos da Historiografia: História e Ciências Sociais dos anos 40 à atualidade Prazos: 25 de Abril e 31 de Julho ExposiçõesCiclos CH-ULisboaNewsletter CH-ULisboaSubscreva a nossa newsletter