Depois de ter sido adiado devido à covid-19, o Congresso Internacional do Bicentenário da Revolução de 1820 irá realizar-se nos próximos dias 11 a 13 de Outubro. Página do congresso Descarregar programa Descarregar cartaz Comissão Organizadora: Miriam Halpern Pereira (ISCTE-IUL), Presidente. Jorge Fernandes Alves (UPorto/FL), Ana Cristina Araújo (UCoimbra/FL) José Luís Cardoso (ULisboa/ICS), Zília Osório de Castro (UNL/FCSH), Maria Alexandre Lousada (ULisboa/FL), Luís Espinha da Silveira (UNL/FCSH), Daniel Alves (UNL/FCSH). Organização institucional: CH-ULisboa, CHSC, CICS.NOVA CIES-IUL, CITCEM, ICS, IHC |
The 52nd Annual Conference of the Association for Spanish and Portuguese Historical Studies (ASPHS) will take place in Milwaukee, Wisconsin on April 7-9, 2022, hosted by Eugenia Afinoguénova (Marquette University) and co-chaired by Sasha D. Pack (SUNY-Buffalo). A welcoming reception will be held on Thursday evening, April 7, with panels running Thursday afternoon, Friday, and Saturday. The banquet will take place on Friday, April 8. Due to ongoing uncertainties regarding public health, it remains possible that the conference will be switched to a hybrid or entirely virtual format.
The ASPHS invites proposals for panels, roundtable discussions, and individual papers that cover any aspect of Iberian history, broadly defined. A typical panel session will include three papers, a chairperson, and a discussant (the chairperson may also double as the discussant). Proposals should include a 200-word abstract for each paper and a one-page curriculum vitae for each participant, including chairs and discussants. Please include each participant's name and e-mail address along with any special requirements. All rooms come equipped with computers, standard software, and projectors. This year's conference banquet will feature a keynote address by Professor Agustí Nieto-Galán, Director del Institut d’Història de la Ciėncia, Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona. The deadline for submission is 3 January 2022. Please submit proposals by email to program coordinators via [email protected]. The conference registration fee is $100 for faculty and $70 for graduate students. This fee may be reduced if the conference format moves online. Tickets for the banquet will be $40. Both will be payable via the ASPHS website. Conference participants must be members of the ASPHS. Graduate students presenting a paper for the first time at an ASPHS conference will receive a free membership for their first year, but must still submit the necessary paperwork. Membership information may be found here. Please contact organizer Eugenia Afinoguénova ([email protected]) with any questions. IX COLÓQUIO INTERNACIONAL Imagética da resistência 15 e 16 Novembro de 2021 (por videoconferência) Considerou-se pertinente o estudo das sociedades nas suas dinâmicas internas, tensões e desajustes, sociedades essas sofrendo pressões internas e externas, expondo buracos negros, vindo estes a revelar-se ou não contrapoderes ou marginalidades. Colóquio do ponto de vista de poderes e de culturas estabelecidos e sob a perspectiva das reacções ao estabelecido, de forma violenta ou não, de forma aberta ou clandestina. Transversal no tempo, apela a especialistas de vários campos do saber que connosco queiram dialogar, conectados também com jovens pesquisadores, esclarecendo o simbólico através de textos, imagens e números. Org. Maria Leonor García da Cruz/ CHULisboa, FLUL, FBAUL-CIEBA, UAb-CEMRI, UERJ (Br), US-SPFRS (Esp), USC (Esp), SGL Prazo de Candidaturas a comunicação (2.ª chamada): 10 de Outubro de 2021. Envio de proposta de comunicação com título, resumo (até 300 palavras) e palavras-chave (até cinco) em dois idiomas europeus (português, inglês, espanhol ou francês), juntamente com nota curricular com referência a formação académica, condições de vínculo institucional, interesses científicos, temas de publicações (até 300 palavras). Línguas oficiais do congresso: espanhol, francês, inglês, português Contacto da organização: [email protected] Site Estudos Imagética (CHULisboa): Site Colóquio internacional Imagética da Resistência: IX INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE Imagery of resistance 15 and 16 November 2021 (by videoconference) It was considered pertinent to study the internal dynamics, tensions and problems of societies which are suffering from both internal and external pressure, exposing Blake holes, regardless of whether such black holes become counter-powers or marginalities or not. Conference considered from the point of view of established powers and cultures and from the perspective of reactions to the established, be they violent or not, open or clandestine. Cross-cutting in time and appeals to specialists from different fields of knowledge who wish to dialogue with us, also connecting with young researchers, explaining the symbolism by way of texts, images and numbers. Deadlines for Applications for communications (2d call): 10 October 2021. Proposal of communication with title, abstract (up to 300 words) and key words (up to five) in two European languages (Portuguese, English, Spanish or French), together with CV with references to academic background, status of institutional affiliation, scientific interests, topics of publications (up to 300 words).
Official languages of the congress: English, French, Portuguese, Spanish Contacts of the organisation: [email protected] Site Studies Programme on Imagery (CHULisboa): Site International Conference Imagery of resistance:
VII Encontro de Jovens Investigadores de História Moderna | 22 a 24 de Setembro de 2021 | Online15/9/2021
ATENÇÃO: NOVA LIGAÇÃO ZOOM ID da reunião: 840 4331 4414 Senha de acesso: 666202 Programa (GMT+1; restar una hora para el horario de Lisboa y 5 para Río de Janeiro)
Candidaturas abertasPrograma Interuniversitário de Doutoramento em História: mudança e continuidade num mundo global (PIUDHist) 2023-2024
Bolsa de Doutoramento Pedro Almeida Ferreira - Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Lisboa Chamadas / CallsCiclo de Seminários
2023-2024 Caminhos da Historiografia: História e Ciências Sociais dos anos 40 à atualidade Prazos: 25 de Abril e 31 de Julho ExposiçõesCiclos CH-ULisboaNewsletter CH-ULisboaSubscreva a nossa newsletter