Lisboa, Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Lisboa, 12-14 Out. 2016 Org. Centro de História da Universidade de Lisboa In 1366 Enrique de Trastámara, illegitimate son of King Alfonso XI of Castile, proclaimed himself king and forced his half brother Pedro I to leave the kingdom. A few years earlier, in 1359, Muhammad V of Granada had been overthrown by his half-brother. In 1385 João de Avis, illegitimate son of the Portuguese king Pedro I, was proclaimed king and defeated the husband of the legitimate heress, Juan I of Castile. In 1399 Richard II was deposed and Henry IV declared king. These are just some examples of depositions and self-proclamations of medieval kings. There are many more, before and after, in Christian and Muslim kingdoms, both effective and unsuccessful. The aim of this interdisciplinary conference is to discuss medieval kings’ depositions and irregular self-proclamations within a European context, and especially the ceremonies and discourses associated to these events. The conference presentations will focus on:
Candidaturas abertasPrograma Interuniversitário de Doutoramento em História: mudança e continuidade num mundo global (PIUDHist) 2023-2024
Bolsa de Doutoramento Pedro Almeida Ferreira - Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Lisboa Chamadas / CallsCiclo de Seminários
2023-2024 Caminhos da Historiografia: História e Ciências Sociais dos anos 40 à atualidade Prazos: 25 de Abril e 31 de Julho ExposiçõesCiclos CH-ULisboaNewsletter CH-ULisboaSubscreva a nossa newsletter