Call for papers: Material cultures and iconography in flux: Asian objects in Naples and Lisbon through the sixteenth century and beyond Venue: University of Lisbon, School of Arts and Humanities Date: 27-28 July 2023 Abstract submission deadline: 30 September 2022 Download call for papers Download poster |
The present volume contains a total of eight articles which, in their thematic diversity, demonstrate the multiplicity of possible analyses to the Egyptian temple as an object of study. Among the different issues addressed, special attention is paid to the virtual reconstruction of certain areas of the temple of Karnak, as well as to the accessibility of sorne of its spaces by ritualists and the population in general. The example of the site of Sikait, in the Eastern Desert, then allows for an analysis of the architecture of the different cult spaces of this important Roman mining centre. The study of the parietal inscriptions of the Graeco-Roman temples reveals the use of different theologies recreated through both texts and images. In the New Kingdom, the decoration of the Theban temples on the West Bank allows us to explore aspects as diverse as the essential functionality of sorne of the motifs represented, in the specific case of the so-called 1 historical reliefs' of Deir el-Bahari, and the observation of intertextual practices, which sometimes even date back to testimonies from the Old Kingdom. Finally, the study of the priesthood of Memphis and the family lineages of its high priests during the Late Egyptian period brings us closer to the personnel responsible for the cultic and organisational tasks of the temple domains.
Workshop - Iniciação à edição electrónica e textos | 7.07.2022 | 9h30 - 13h30 | FLUL, sala C138.B3/6/2022
A organização do 11.º Congresso Ibérico de Estudos Africano (CIEA11) procura voluntários.
Todos os voluntários terão direito a um certificado de participação como voluntários e ouvintes, aos almoços e coffee-breaks nos três dias do congresso, bem como ao livro de resumos das conferências e comunicações. Fruirão, sobretudo, do acesso às sessões e eventos do congresso, de um ambiente que se espera vibrante e de convívio com especialistas da área de Estudos Africanos, vindos de várias partes do mundo. Os interessados deverão enviar e-mail para: [email protected]
Candidaturas abertasPrograma Interuniversitário de Doutoramento em História: mudança e continuidade num mundo global (PIUDHist) 2023-2024
Bolsa de Doutoramento Pedro Almeida Ferreira - Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Lisboa Chamadas / CallsCiclo de Seminários
2023-2024 Caminhos da Historiografia: História e Ciências Sociais dos anos 40 à atualidade Prazos: 25 de Abril e 31 de Julho ExposiçõesCiclos CH-ULisboaNewsletter CH-ULisboaSubscreva a nossa newsletter