José Miguel Noras, investigador do Centro de História, publicou o livro Bernardo Santareno. Da Nascente até ao Mar, biografia do dramaturgo e escritor português. A edição é da Âncora Editores. Mais informações |
Já disponível | Revista "Ler História", n.º 78, com contribuições de investigadores do CH-ULisboa1/7/2021
O número 78 da revista Ler História, conta com os textos de José Alberto Tavim, Hugo Martins, Ângela Domingues e Sérgio Campos Matos, investigadores do Centro de História, estando as contribuições dos dois primeiros autores inseridas no dossiê "Mobility and displacement in and around the mediterranean. A historical approach", organizado por Cátia Antunes e Giedrė Blažytė.
Os artigos de José Alberto Tavim e Hugo Martins foram financiados pelo projecto COST ACTION People in Motion: Entangled Histories of Displacement Across the Mediterranean (1492-1923) (PIMo), como resultado do workshop PIMo “Movement and Displacement”, que teve lugar no Centro de História, nos dias 9 e 10 de Março de 2021. De salientar que este artigo de José Alberto Tavim foi escrito em parceria com a professora Filomena Barros, da Universidade de Évora e colaboradora da FLUL, tratando-se infelizmente da sua última produção científica, visto ter falecido em Março do presente ano. Filomena Barros (†) e José Alberto Tavim, "Mobilities and Communities between North Africa and Portugal: Muslims and Jews in the Medieval and Early Modern Ages" Hugo Martins, "Between Welfare and Vagrancy: Migrants, Refugees and Travellers between Hamburg and the Mediterranean in the Seventeenth Century" Ângela Domingues e Patrícia Alves-Melo, "Iluminismo no mundo luso-brasileiro: um olhar sobre a Viagem Filosófica à Amazónia, 1783-1792" Sérgio Campos Matos, David Luna de Carvalho e António Borges Coelho, "José Manuel Tengarrinha (1932-2018), historiador" Leia o número completo
Stemming from a lively and inspiring panel that took place during the RAI conference Art, Materiality and Representation (London, 2018), this open-access publication proposes an alternative approach to the conventional debate on the dispersal of Asian artworks and material culture in international collections. Whether in large scale comprehensive museums, or in smaller specialised museums, the challenges faced by these institutions in the display, definition and promotion of their Asia collections are broached over eleven articles.
By presenting some thought-provoking case studies about Asia collections in museums around the world, this publication highlights the importance of this shared cultural heritage in unravelling and understanding often complex cultural histories and identities. It also intends to pave the way to further activities aimed at making more visible and accessible these often-underestimated resources through networking and collaboration among museums, cultural institutions and research organisations.
Índice Apresentação Roger Chartier, José Damião Rodrigues e Justino Magalhães
This book gathers a collection of studies by leading scholars on the Tomb of the Priests of Amun (Bab el-Gasus), where the burials of 153 individuals who lived under the 21st Dynasty have been unearthed, revealing the largest undisturbed tomb ever found in Egypt. This is the first publication to present a coherent vision of this find, with papers addressing a variety of topics including: the reorganization of the Theban necropolis under the 21st Dynasty; the sociological significance of the burials, as well as the funerary goods associated with them; the history of the collections that had been given away to foreign countries in 1893, including their reception and subsequent treatment in museums around the world and in Egypt; carpentry and decoration of anthropoid coffins, using non-invasive analysis of materials; and finally, diversity and meaning of coffin decoration. The volume releases the papers first presented at the international conference held at the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation in Lisbon to celebrate the 125th Anniversary of the discovery of the Tomb. |
Candidaturas abertasPrograma Interuniversitário de Doutoramento em História: mudança e continuidade num mundo global (PIUDHist) 2023-2024
Bolsa de Doutoramento Pedro Almeida Ferreira - Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Lisboa Chamadas / CallsCiclo de Seminários
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