Seminário CH-ULisboa | História de África Aula Aberta | Mestrado e Doutoramento em História: Seminário de Problemáticas Regionais na História de África African Responses to the early Atlantic slave trade in Senegambia (1500-1660) Peter Mark Centro de História da Universidade de Lisboa Goethe Universität Frankfurt 14 de Fevereiro de 2023 FLUL | B112.B e Online | 18h00-20h00 Organização Carlos Almeida Eugénia Rodrigues José da Silva Horta Philipp Hofmann Link para acesso por videoconferência: ID da reunião: 912 5960 4483 Senha de acesso: Africa Descarregue aqui o cartaz |
EVENTO ADIADO PARA DIA 23 DE FEVEREIRO When Portuguese mariners reached the Senegambian coast shortly before 1450, they quickly engaged in taking small numbers of captives back to Lisbon. By the 1580s several thousand Africans a year were taken. Africans responded rapidly and in several ways to the development of this slave trade. They protected themselves by moving into remote or geographically protected areas; they learned to defend themselves and to capture their aggressors. Some, such as the Bijogo, actively entered the slave trade, even capturing Portuguese. Finally, several communities of escaped slaves were established. These maroon communities were composed in part or entirely of captives who had escaped from the Portuguese.
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